Catholic Resources and Articles
- Prayer Cards (PDF)
- Catholic Brochure (PDF)
- Catholic Hospital Sued for Performing Non-therapeutic Circumcision
William Stowell Reaches Settlement with Good Samaritan Hospital in West Islip, New York - Human Foreskins Sold for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Cloning, and the Creation of Chimeras (Animal/Human Hybrids)
What Circumcision Does to Baby Boys
- What Happens During a Circumcision? images and video
- Circumcision Industry Devices
- Circumcision? Make the Informed Decision on YouTube
- The Casual Cut – Landmark NBC news story by Douglas Kiker that aired on October 2, 1981. (YouTube)
- The Case Against Circumcision by Dr. Paul Fleiss
Functions of the Male Foreskin
Medical Information
- Statements of Medical Associations
- Alleged Medical Benefits – Doctors Opposing Circumcision
- NOCIRC Position Statement Male Circumcision and HIV
- Why is HIV so Prevalent in Africa? by Michael Fumento
The History of Circumcision
- History of Circumcision
- Circumcision by John J. Tierney – The Catholic Encyclopedia (1907 – 1912)
- Marked in Your Flesh: Circumcision from Ancient Judea to Modern America by Leonard B. Glick (book)
Human Rights and Circumcision
- Male Circumcision: A Human Rights Primer by Rich Winkel
- “Circumcision: a Barbaric Practice” by J. Steven Svoboda, Esquire
More Resources
- Circumcision Books at Your Whole Baby
- Circumcision Information Resource Pages (CIRP) searchable library of peer reviewed articles
*Catholics Against Circumcision may not agree with everything stated at other websites linked to from here.